Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My thoughts

You are all dying to know what I'm thinking or you wouldn't be here reading. So here goes, my take on things right now in my life.
I am bad at relationships with men. No matter how hard I try to be the cool, independent girlfriend, I still come off as the jealous, possessive girlfriend. How can that change? I don't know. I think even if it did change, it would rear it's ugly head eventually. I need to find someone who is ok with that. And he must possess all the other traits I have mentioned in the past.

I have a friend I adore. We got the same exact fortune in our cookies tonight and that has significant meaning for me. I have so much fun with her. Plus she's a bad ass gangsta!

I have another friend that I adore. He is always there for me, even at the awkward times.

I have a fantastic group of MINI owners to have fun with whenever I want.

Plus I have the coveted owl pillow from IKEA. It was something I wanted for a year and never made it back over there. They had 1 left and it was a display. Now, it is mine. I rock.
That is all.

2 Opinions

Blogger bri said...

all hail The owl pillow.

8:41 AM  
Blogger deetour said...

he's just in shock!

10:35 PM  

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