Wednesday, July 27, 2005

iTunes fave

I am currently in luuuurve with the new Lifehouse song "You and Me". Cheesily romantic, with those deep, raspy tones to chill one ooot.
Take a listen, if you like mainstream pop that is. Otherwise, eff off.
Also, kinda fun is Annie. Norwegian ABBA sounds. Besides her CD is called Anniemal. That's just funny. Me Plus One is the fun freebie track. Lots of interesting sounds in there.
OK, that's all.

2 Opinions

Blogger Stoopidgirl said...

I like the Interpool (sp?) song...they say the name Rosemary in it a lot but I have no idea what the darn thing is called but it's stuck in my head...ARGH!

2:20 PM  
Blogger U_n_i_q_u_e GREENDAYRULE said...


9:54 AM  

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